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Measurements and Specs

The Elm

The Elm Outdoor Kitchen features a large bar seating area, perfect for entertaining large groups. This large footprint Outdoor Kitchen has everything you need to keep the party going all night long. Step up to a luxurious grilling experience with a customized Elm Outdoor Kitchen

Shown with:

Elements | Gray Porcelain TileProduct Image in Photo

Elements | Gray Porcelain Tile

Alpine | Graystone Ledger Natural Stone BaseProduct Image in Photo

Alpine | Graystone Ledger Natural Stone Base

Size Total
Tile 12” x 24” 72 sq. ft.
Granite Countertop 75 sq. ft.
Stone Base Flats 80 sq. ft.
Stone Base Corners 14 linear ft.

Note: The quoted material quantities are only an estimation. Builders should measure based on the materials being used for the given project.

Measurements and Specs

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Pool Finishes
Outdoor Elements
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